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Donald Trump targeted Lady Gaga at his rally

Lady Gaga, who supported Democrat candidate Joe Biden in the presidential election, could not get rid of Donald Trump’s language. Trump said at his rally that Lady Gaga was ‘not very good’.

Donald Trump, the Republican candidate, spoke about Lady Gaga, who supported Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

74-year-old Trump denigrated the 34-year-old American singer Lady Gaga at her election rally in Pennsylvania yesterday.

Lady Gaga, on the last day of the election campaign, last night after Trump, for Joe Biden’s election campaign. It was Trump’s goal as she was preparing to perform at the rally held in Pennsylvania, which played a key role in previous presidential elections.

Trump criticized the Biden-supporting celebrities Lady Gaga and Jon Bon Jovi in his own style.


Trump said, “Now he has (Joe Biden) Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga is not very good. I can tell you a lot of stories. I can tell you stories about Lady Gaga. I know a lot about Lady Gaga. And Jon Bon Jovi? I see him all the time, he’s cursing me: “Oh Mr. President!”

Written by Maraaz

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