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What is Vertigo? What are the symptoms of vertigo, how are they treated?

Vertigo, which causes severe dizziness, is a disease that reduces the quality of daily life. Vertigo, which can be caused by various reasons, is generally due to inner ear disorders. It is often seen with tinnitus and hearing loss. What are the symptoms of Vertigo? How is Vertigo treated? Here’s what you need to know about vertigo. 

The medical name of dizziness is manifested by symptoms such as double vision, numbness in the face or weakness in facial expressions, tongue stinging, difficulty in swallowing.

Vertigo is caused mainly by diseases of the central nervous system and inner ear. There are varieties of vertigo according to the ailments that cause.


Central vertigo: It occurs as a result of disturbances arising from the brain. Central vertigo can be caused by tumor in the brain, bleeding, aneurysm in the vessels or different disorders of the brain vessels.

Peripheral vertigo: It is the disruption of balance due to the effect of the balance center in the inner ear or middle ear. Peripheral vertigo can cause any pain in the musculoskeletal system, such as neck pain, or metabolic diseases such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or hypoglycaemia. When the patient comes with the complaint of vertigo, it is first checked whether there is a problem with the ear.

“Bening Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo” (BPPV), known as the crystal playing in the folk language, is the most common type of vertigo. It is formed as a result of the crystals in the balance center in the inner ear falling into the posterior semicircular canals. In the movement of inner ear crystals, the person turns his head in bed, turning from right to left or lying on his back.


The most important sign of vertigo is recurrent dizziness. Many patients describe this dizziness as an awakening even when they sleep at night.

Instant rotations may take 5-10 seconds. They indicate that dizziness passes when the head is fixed, but dizziness recurs when the head moves. Actions such as very light head movements, bending and getting up, create short-term dizziness. This situation continues throughout the day.


If Vertigo occurs due to different diseases such as colds, tumors or infections, medication or different treatment methods are followed depending on the underlying disease.

To reduce or eliminate the problem of dizziness is to bring the balance functions to the safest form. If it occurs due to the displacement of the crystals in the inner ear, treatment involves repositioning the crystals.

Written by Maraaz

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