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Causes tinnitus? How does tinnitus pass?

Tinnitus, which affects the quality of life, can be a symptom of many diseases, from cancer, otitis media, allergies to enlarged flesh. So, causes tinnitus? How does it go?

Tinnitus, known by its name in medicine, is not a disease. But it can herald other diseases. Although short tinnitus generally causes only disturbing features, long tinnitus is considered as a symptom of serious diseases.

Research has revealed that the ear itself produces ringing. Ringing is caused by hairy cells that perceive hearing in the inner ear and / or a number of ailments in the auditory nerve. However, 95% of healthy young people perceived ringing in an extremely quiet environment. Therefore, it is thought that the ringing is in everyone but it has been felt for some reasons.

WHY DOES EAR Tinnitus happen?

There can be many reasons for tinnitus. Although these causes are mostly innocent, they can cause tinnitus in some serious diseases.

Some causes of tinnitus can be listed as follows:

  • Earwax
  • Infections in the eardrum
  • Sinusitis
  • Trauma in the ear area
  • Fluid accumulation in the middle ear
  • Allergy
  • Artery enlargement in the head and neck area
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Exposure to high noise
  • Damage to the hearing nerves caused by aging
  • Glioma


Tinnitus can be seen at any age, including children. The problem, which is seen in the community between 10-15 percent, increases after the age of 40. It is generally seen in men slightly more than women.

If tinnitus has persisted, dizziness is accompanied and especially one-sided, an otolaryngologist should be consulted. If the severity has increased, it has become a concentration problem that will disrupt daily life and communication, it is recommended to be treated.

HOW DOES EAR Tinnitus happen?

Making a diagnosis is the first step to treat tinnitus. Discomfort that causes tinnitus is found and treated. For example; If the auditory nerve is due to a tumor, methods such as surgical treatment or radiotherapy can be applied.

If it develops due to dirt in the outer ear canal, the patient can be treated by medical or surgical means depending on the cleaning of the ear or the reasons in the middle ear.

In cases where there is no reason, more general treatment methods can be used. If tinnitus develops due to systemic reasons, it is necessary to treat these diseases such as high blood pressure, zinc deficiency, cholesterol, B12 or iron deficiency.

Written by Maraaz

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