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Dogs and their owners share a common risk of diabetes

Scientists have learned that dogs, which have been human friends for thousands of years, and their owners. Revealed that they tend to develop the same health problems due to their physical activity habits. According to a new study conducted in Sweden, people with a dog with type 2 diabetes. The risk of getting the disease increases by more than 38 percent. Previous studies by scientists have revealed that dogs have similar behaviors and obesity risks to their owners. Researchers from the University of Upssala in Sweden discovered that the similarity applies to diabetes.

Within the scope of the study published in the British Medical Journal, Beatrice Kennedy and her team are among dogs and their human friends. She studied data from Sweden’s largest pet insurance companies to see if there is a common risk of type 2 diabetes. Then, the data obtained from 208 thousand 980 owner / dog and 123 thousand 566 owner / cat pairs were compared. In results, compared to having a healthy hound of owning a dog with diabetes. It demonstrated that the probability of type 2 diabetes increased by 38 percent. There was no shared risk of diabetes between cat owners and cats.

Kennedy; “ Given previous research on the common risk of being overweight among dog owners and their animals. We see that shared dietary habits and physical activity levels pose a similar risk for type 2 diabetes.For this reason, pet owners should exercise regularly with their friends ”

Not sharing such a risk between cats and their owners suggests that exercise is an important factor. Kennedy; “Cats prefer to be more independent than their owners when it comes to their behavior and movement”

Kennedy; Given the status quo, diagnosing diabetes in any family member, including dogs, can pose a risk to the whole family.

Written by Maraaz

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