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What Did We Forget In Life?

According to rumors, the start of the coronavirus dates back to November 2019. Since March 2020, all the people of the world have realized this. Maybe they hid it, maybe they didn’t tell. 

For over a year, humanity has been struggling with this. Vaccine output drug studies have been done, but we still live with isolation.

We forgot our lives, maybe we forgot to live. 

Someone may have left this virus on purpose, and the world may have come to an end. The worst thing is to die while standing. Expecting to die fighting and fighting is a choice for every human being.

You cannot go to the street, you cannot go to school, you cannot see your mother, you cannot love your child, you cannot have a picnic. You can’t even drink a crappy beer.

A lot of talk and conspiracy theories can produced about where this came from. We have no free time to spend on this.

Many people around the world lost their jobs, lost their homes, lost loved ones.

People felt sorry for people far from far away countries. Videos watched, hospitals saw deaths. The children asked what happened to their parents. It was that easy for everything to fall apart. 8 billion people have seen this. You heard everything from the closest to the farthest. We lost our relatives.

Even the threat of starvation made we offensive. Stores are emptied, products run out. Flocks of people for shopping turned to the internet.

You wake up every day with a hope. Nobody wants to remember 2020 but nobody will ever forget.

Humanity has passed a great test. Do you think people gave the exam?

An unreal world is forming. A virtual life, these are actually started to be given to us with scare. As the days passed, the dose was increased. It’s actually like a drug.

Virus are trying to steal your life. Don’t let that happen. Have a little more patience for the virus to end. We do not want to forget our life. If we don’t fight. You will not be able to touch anything in this inhabited world.

What have we forgotten? 

  • We forgot how to sit in a park.
  • We forgot how to meet with our friends.
  • We forgot how to take dinner with our mothers.
  • We forgot how to walk on the street.
  • We forgot how to have a picnic.
  • We forgot how to meet someone.
  • We forgot how to hug someone.
  • We forgot how to make love.
  • We forgot how to go out and have fun at night.
  • We forgot how to do all physical activities.

All these things you forget are actually free.

Now you don’t even see your smile from the mask on your face. Your lips are invisible. It doesn’t even seem that you are happy or unhappy. 

Every dark night will have a bright morning. We hope to remember what we have forgotten. 

We asked, what comes to the minds of young people when Covid-19 is mentioned?

Work begins April last year. It was a study consisting of individuals aged 18-30, in which 1129 participants and 955 questionnaires were evaluated.

  • A young person in his 20s ‘I lost the most important 1 year at the age of 20, I ignored the most valuable year of my life’.
  • Some of the participants stated that this situation strengthened them, some of them were very depressed, under stress, and their confidence was destroyed.
  • One of the most important highlights of the youth is to remain in captivity, to limit their freedom, to find themselves in an uncertainty about the future, fears, anxieties, depression.
  • However, there were also those who made sentences like ‘I strengthened myself’, ‘I found myself’, ‘I stayed away from people who bothered me’.
  • Apart from these, there are also those who worry about the loss of their loved ones and fear that they will lose their relatives.
  • Believing that the world has changed; On the one hand, there are young people who are thankful. There were those who both got stronger and hit the bottom in dealing with Covid-19. “

Written by Maraaz

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