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Trump’s Stop the counts sharing

US President Donald Trump and election team today to clarify election results, will hold a press conference where “an important announcement will be made” in Las Vegas, Nevada, one of the most critical states.

The President of the USA shared “Stop the vote count” on his Twitter account.

In a written statement from the team running Trump’s election campaign.”Presidential candidate Donald Trump and his election team are in Las Vegas today at 08:30 local time. Would hold a press conference to make an important press release ”

Trump, in a statement on his Twitter account, gave the message “Stop the counts”.

The winner in the US presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 3rd, is not clear yet. According to unofficial results, Trump has won 214 delegates so far, and Biden 253.

The election results are not clear in the states of Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and Alaska, which represent a total of 71 elective delegates. The winner is determined in Arizona with 11 delegates and Nevada with 6 delegates. It is critical in determining the candidate who will take the lead in the presidential race.

Written by Maraaz

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