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Teacher murder in Paris

Allegedly showing the Prophet Muhammad caricature in class in Paris, the capital of France. A middle school teacher was killed by beheading. The suspect shot and killed by the police while running. Macron announced that the murder was a terrorist attack.

While sharing the information that the attacker was an 18-year-old Moscow-born male, a crisis desk was created at the Ministry of Interior regarding the issue.

It was announced that the attacker was a member of an organization called Eragny. The teacher had previously complained to the police for receiving threats from some students’ parents. Some parents requested the resignation of the teacher.

French President Emmanuel Macron went to the scene and made statements. Macron said the incident was a terrorist attack.

The President of France called the people for unity and said, “I will say clearly this evening, the security forces, justice workers, educators, we will all block. The reaction and the violence that accompanies it will not win. They won’t be able to divide us, they want it. All of us, all citizens, must unite and prevent, we must unite without difference, because above all we are bound by the same destiny, history and values. This unity is indispensable. You can count on the government’s and my determination. We will react hard and fast.”

Written by Maraaz

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