
How to make a hot brownie for two people?

We share with you the recipe for a hot brownie for two that will warm you up in cold weather and invite you to a chocolate feast. Do not miss this recipe, which is both very simple and minimal to make! Here is a hot brownie recipe for two people…

Materials for making

  • Quarter cup butter
  • 114 g dark shredded dark chocolate
  • Quarter cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Quarter cup flour
  • Vanillin

Preparation of

We share the indispensable hot brownie recipe for cold weather. Moreover, it is quite simple to make this recipe, which is only for two, at home. If you wish, you can increase the ingredients and offer them to your loved ones. If you’re craving something sweet and want to make a quick recipe, be sure to try this minimal hot brownie recipe. Here is a hot brownie recipe for two people …

Step 1: Heat the oven at 180 degrees. Melt the chocolate and butter.

Step 2: Beat the eggs and sugar until the color becomes lighter – about 2 minutes.

Step 3: Gradually add the melted chocolate and butter mixture. Continue whisking.

Step 4: Add the vanilla, flour and salt. Just whisk until mixed.

Step 5: Divide the mixture evenly into 2 ovenproof dishes and bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes.

Last step: Serve as you wish.

Enjoy your meal.

Written by Maraaz

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