
92 out of 100 searches are made by Google

With 40 thousand searches per second, Google became the search engine with the highest market value among search engines in the world with a rate of 92.26 percent.

Google search engine operating under Alphabet company. Seems by far the other search engines in the world.

Google holds a market value of 92.26 percent compared to other search engines worldwide. Operating under the umbrella of Microsoft, Bing has a market value of 2.83 percent. Other search engines on the list are Yahoo with 1.59 percent. Baidu with 1.14 percent, DuckDuckGo with 0.5 percent and Yandex with 0.5 percent.

According to the African continent data, Google’s market value was 97.03 percent, while the closest search engine to it was Bing with 1.95 percent.

Despite China’s investments in digital technologies, Chinese Baidu cannot be very influential in the Asian continent. It seems to be in the second place with 2.71 percent after Google, which has a market value of 91.79 percent. When the data are analyzed only in China, Baidu ranks first with 74.95 percent. Google seems to have a market value of only 3.61 percent.

While Google is the search engine with the highest market value with 58.37 in Russia. Yandex follows Google in second place with 39.07.

40 thousand searches are performed per second on Google. While this number corresponds to 3.5 billion searches a day, it corresponds to 1.2 trillion searches per year.

Written by Maraaz

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